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Roberts Middle School

Home of the Chargers

Campus Procedures

Banner with JRMS name, logo and procedures title

  • Chart showing bell times for each period and lunches



  • Car Riders

    Car Rider Pro Tips to Increase Efficiency:

    1. Please pull all the way forward so we and load/unload the maximum amount of cars at one time.
    2. Have your child ready to exit the car from the passenger side with their backpacks on prior to your car stopping to unload.
    3. We are requesting that parents do not park and walk your children into the school, unless you are still in the enrollment process and need to go to the front office. When parents walk across traffic with their kids, it slows our car rider line down for everyone. During dismissal, all parents parking and walking up will be processed once the car rider line is empty.
    4. During dismissal, the car rider number assigned to your child will be displayed on the Smart Board inside their classroom. To assist in making the car rider line more efficient, we are asking that you help your child memorize their car rider number. After seeing their number on the board, your child will exit the building through the front entrance and look to the right and left for your car, then find a place to stand where they can see both ends of the car rider line.

    We have been working closely with both the LCISD and the Fulshear Police Department to ensure the best possible traffic pattern and safety for all of our car riders. The first couple of weeks always bring extra traffic to our area, and our dismissal process tends to move more slowly during this time due to an increased number of students who are car riders. We recommend leaving a few minutes earlier than usual to allow for any potential delays or congestion. Additionally, carpooling with other parents or using alternative modes of transportation such as our district busing transportation can help reduce traffic and improve safety for everyone. Please be patient; I promise it gets better! To help us maintain a safe traffic pattern, we request that you follow the outlined traffic pattern below. LCISD Police will assist with traffic flow during this time.

    Every student will receive a car rider tag with a number on it, even if that is not their permanent mode of transportation. If your child is not a car rider, this tag will be going home with your child shortly, so please be on the lookout for this in case you ever need to utilize the car rider line. You will need to hang this transportation tag in your car's rearview mirror to pick up your child in the car rider line at the end of the day. If you do not have your tag, the staff will ask you to park and enter the front office to show your ID to ensure the safety of every child. We have plan for the first day for those who were not able to pick up a tag, so don't worry if you do not have one.

    Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we work together to create a safe and efficient dismissal process. Your patience and adherence to these guidelines are greatly appreciated and will help us ensure that every student gets home safely and promptly.

    Ariel view map of JRMS using arrows to show traffic flow for car rider pickup


    Roberts Middle School will be allowing walkers this year due to the new houses being built within walking distance. In order to ensure the safety of students who will be walking, a Roberts staff member will receive student walkers near the library in the main hall and walk students down Charger Way and release them once they get past the Leaman driveway.

    Please note that students who are walking, will not be released to cars parked on Charger Way.

    As the safety of our students is our top priority, we strongly discourage any walkers cross FM1093. If you would like your child to be released to walk towards/across FM1093, please contact

    Ariel view of walker route from JRMS to Leaman JH

    Rainy Day Walker Dismissal

    In order to manage rainy day dismissal well, please read the following procedures:

    • Students will be notified of rainy day dismissal over the announcements and families via ParentSquare App. Students will also have access to their phones once the school day ends at 4:30 p.m. and are ONLY allowed to utilize phones to communicate with their parents for dismissal purposes.
    • For safety measures of students and staff, no student will be allowed to walk if rainy day dismissal is called.
    • Every walker should have an alternate way of getting home on rainy dismissal days.
    • The recommendation is to have your child take the bus on a rainy day dismissal. However, bus transportation will not be provided if you have not completed your transportation form.
    • Having students ride the bus is always a great way to alleviate stress during rainy days as well.

    Bus Riders

    Starting the 2024-2025 school year, Lamar CISD is moving from Smart Tag to Versatrans My Stop. You can access your student’s bus route through the My Stop e-link to view:

    - Route number

    - Bus stops

    - Estimated arrival/drop-off times

    Click here to login: Tyler's VersatrTyler's Versatrans e-Linkans e-Link

    All you need is your student(s) ID number and date of birth to login. To view instructions on accessing the e-link: Lamar CISD Versatrans (My Stop) E-LinkLamar CISD Versatrans (My Stop) E-Linkp9U.

    You can also download the Versatrans My Stop App to view your student(s) active bus route’s arrival time to the designated bus stop. Guardians can register one student. If they have more students within the district, they will be added to the same account. To login, you need your student(s) ID number and date of birth.

    For more information, please visit Transportation.

    Versatran & My Stop App Step by Step Procedures

  • What is SchoolCash?
    We are excited to inform you that Lamar CISD offers SchoolCash Online as our preferred method of payment for all school fees, including everything from field trips to yearbooks. Our SchoolCash Online page can be found here: SchoolCashOnline

    Benefits to Parents and Schools

    SchoolCash Online helps parents and community members pay school-related fees safely, quickly, and easily. In addition to convenience for yourself, you will help increase efficiency and security at your school by making payments directly into your school's bank account. This allows teachers and secretaries to focus on helping students, and not counting cash. In addition, you are immediately informed about school activities!

    Register now!

    Registering for your free SchoolCash online account takes less than two minutes! Visit SchoolCashOnline and click Register.

    Should you encounter any difficulties, please contact the SchoolCash Online parent help desk by visiting SchoolCashOnline Support.

    How it works

    Powered by KEV Group, SchoolCash Online is the industry leader in the safe and secure management of school fees. This system puts all of the school-related fees for your student online for purchase. Schools post their items and activities and assign the relevant fees to your student, so you can then make purchases online using your credit card. This allows you to stay informed about upcoming school activities while keeping track of the school fees that require your attention.

    Thank you for your support!

    Roberts Middle School

  • Chart detailing specifics of dresscode
    Chart detailing specifics of dresscode
    Graphic detailing specifics of dresscode policy



  • Graphic detailing campus electronic device use on campus

  • Graphic detailing procedures for student ID replacements

  • STUDENTS CANNOT OPEN ANY EXTERIOR DOOR TO ANYONE - Students are reminded each morning that they are not to open an exterior door to anyone. Even if it's Me, Ms. Barrera, Ms. Flores, or their teacher. Maintaining the safety and security of Roberts Middle School is the number one priority and there are no exceptions for exterior doors. Please note that it is a mandatory 3-day out of school suspension for opening an exterior door to let someone in. Our students have already been doing an amazing job of this and I could not be more proud of our Charger community!

    Graphic detailing procedures for specific emergency situations

Banner with JRMS name, logo and attendance/tardies title

Absence Policy

Graphic Detailing Campus Tardy Policy



  • Roberts Middle School does not require you to call in or notify in advance unless your child will be absent for more than three days.

    • Late to school: Students must report to the Front Office before going to class.
    • Tardy (15 minutes late or less): They will receive a tardy pass from the Attendance Office.
    • More than 15 minutes late: This will be considered an absence, and a written excuse will be required.

    If you have questions or concerns about attendance, the Attendance Office is available from 8:35 AM to 5:05 PM.

  • Early Pick-Up Procedure:

    1. Visit the Front Office: Check in at the Front Office to start the process.
    2. Fill out the Check-Out Form: Complete the form accurately and submit it.
    3. Provide Identification: Show a valid state-issued photo ID, as required by LCISD policy.

    Important Notes:

    • The latest pick-up time is 4:00 PM. Students cannot be signed out after this time.
    • Please avoid texting your child unless instructed to do so by the front office staff.
  • Yes, written notes are required for all partial or full-day absences.

    • Deadline: Notes must be submitted within five (5) days of the absence.
    • Parent Notes: Parents may provide up to five written notes per semester for illnesses that don’t require a doctor’s visit.
    • Doctor’s Notes: Bring the original “Return to School” note if your child sees a doctor.
    • Other Absences: For non-illness-related absences, provide official documentation (e.g., court documents, religious exemptions). Refer to the Attendance Policy in the Secondary Student Handbook for details.
  • You have five school days to submit the required documentation:

    • Email a photo or scanned copy of the doctor’s note to the Attendance Clerk.
    • If you need the original document, present it to the school so they can make a copy for their records.

    Excessive Absences:

    • After six absences in a semester, parents will receive written notification.
    • If absences exceed the allowable limit, parents will receive a letter detailing the potential consequences.
  • If your child will be out for three or more days, complete a Pre-Arranged Absence Form from the Attendance Office in advance.

    Note: While advance notification is appreciated, these absences still count against the state’s 90% attendance requirement. For questions about loss of credit, contact your child’s administrator.

  • Yes, being sent home by the nurse is still counted as an absence.

    • The nurse will notify you if your child becomes ill at school.
    • If the nurse determines your child has a fever or is contagious, you will be asked to pick them up.
    • You must sign your child out and provide a written excuse for the absence.

    Encourage your child to visit the clinic for an assessment before requesting a pick-up.

  • You may appeal absences for medical reasons or extenuating circumstances.

    • Provide original medical notes as documentation.
    • The Appeals Process and forms are detailed in the LCISD Secondary Student Handbook and available at the Attendance Office.
  • Students can only be released to individuals listed on the Emergency Contact card.

    • Updates: To update your contact list, log in to your Parent Portal in Skyward.
    • Special Arrangements: Notify the school in advance for special circumstances.

    Phone requests for alternate pick-ups are not accepted.

    • Students can only be signed out before 4:00 PM.
    • After 4:00 PM, the school will not release students due to the busy end-of-day schedule.